Through a local Business Book Club last year, I read a life-changing book called “The Go-Giver”. I highly recommend this book. It’s premise applies to everyone in all facets and stages of their lives.
It’s a really quick read in a modern-day business parable format focusing on putting others first. Over the course of five days, a restaurateur, a CEO, a financial advisor, a real-estate broker and the mysterious “Connector” teach Joe, a fictitious young salesman, about the laws of value, compensation, influence, authenticity and receptivity-concepts while reflecting on the concept of “give, and you shall receive.”
The Go-Giver demonstrates how shifting the focus from getting to giving and putting the other person first is the key to business success and personal fulfillment.
I experienced this first-hand last year in my efforts to help the unemployed in Des Moines get back to work. I created a blog which has grown into a support network for the community. As soon as I started giving and helping others, professionals, who would soon become mentors, started coming out of the woodwork. They reached out to me, in recognition of what I was doing, and offered to help in any way they could. Through this process of giving selflessly, I was able to demonstrate my business acumen and build credibility in the community which has become the foundation of my business.
If you haven’t already read this book, I highly recommend it. If you live in Des Moines, I also recommend that you join the Business Book Club organized by the Meyvn Group. They choose amazing titles and facilitate a great discussion.