We all get invited to parties, networking events and Tupperware parties…but do we all RSVP when an RSVP is requested by the organizer? Do you know what RSVP means?
RSVP is a French acronym that means “Respondez S’il Vous Plait” which is translated in English to mean “please respond”. That means, “Yes, I’m coming” or “No, I’m not coming”. By not responding at all, you’re letting the organizer know that you really don’t care about them or their event to indicate whether or not you’re attending.
With so many methods of responding, it’s difficult to see how not submitting an RSVP is even possible. Hand written note, phone call, fax, text message, instant message, email, Facebook message, LinkedIn Mail, Twitter Direct Message…ideally, the organizer will indicate their preferred method of RSVP; but there is really no excuse for not submitting an RSVP these days.
If you’re not sure if you can make it, choose “maybe”. Facebook, Meetup and several other online event platforms all support the “maybe” option.
Sometimes, people steer clear of sending their RSVP because they’re afraid the feelings of the organizer may be hurt. As someone who plans events from 10-500 people, it’s more important for me to get an accurate headcount.
What say you? Do you RSVP to events? Does it depend on the “importance” of the event in your eyes? Wedding vs. Silpada Party?
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Suzanne, great post. I’ve often wonder where our social graces have gone. I sometimes do not RSVP to events, for a variety of reasons. Mostly, it’s because the event does not appeal to me, or I feel it’s a “mass invite” of all of that person’s friends and acquaintances. For example, a candle party invitation. I have made a personal decision not to attend those types of parties because those expenses did not make the most recent cut in my budget.
I think the only time where an RSVP is required is for formal events like a wedding reception, when not responding might require a significant expense or inconvenience to the party planner.
As a society, this is one of those social graces that may permanently be pushed aside. Without our moms pushing us to do those things, how many of use would have learned on our own?
So you know French AND German! Très bon!
Nice post, Suzanne. Thanks!
I still think it’s good manners to try and respond. I typically RSVP to all events…regardless of type. It just seems like the appropriate thing to do. Like you Suzanne, I organize a lot of events, parties, social activities…and it really matters in these instances just HOW many people are going to show up. I will sometimes delay a response if I don’t know what my calendar has in store (i.e. hubby might have a triathlon that day that I need to take him to or attend), but on those occasions I use the “maybe” option if it’s available.