Last week I wrote about the financial hurdles associated with being a Free Agent (independent professional). Why would anyone want to work for themselves?
- Diverse Schedule – My days are never the same. I don’t get up and drive to work, stay there for 8 hours and then drive home; I may have some “work-from-home” days where I don’t have any appointments I have to go to. There are other days where I hit every coffee shop in town for appointments and networking. Some people would see this as a disadvantage, however – they may enjoy sitting in a cube for 8 hours – not me…
- Freedom – To make decisions. I can choose to work today or not. I can choose if I want to reinvent a certain service offering and how. I can attend an all-day professional development conference without feeling guilty about it (or having an employer who won’t allow it). Do you have this freedom in your job?
- Nimbleness – As a one-woman-show with zero overhead, I’m able to react quickly to my client’s needs and the market in general. I don’t have to get approval from anyone to make things happen – well, maybe my husband in some instances!
- Location Independent – For the most part, I can do my work from anywhere in the world; today’s technology makes this possible. Take advantage of it if you can.
What are some other advantages of working for yourself? I’m sure I’ve missed some…