Two clients in the same week asked me what “Klout” means as it relates to their Twitter account. Let’s dig in: defines Klout as:
“…the measurement of your overall online influence. The scores range from 1 to 100 with higher scores representing a wider and stronger sphere of influence. Klout uses over 35 variables on Facebook and Twitter to measure True Reach, Amplification Probability, and Network Score.”
On Twitter specifically, Klout’s influence score is based on a user’s ability to drive action through tweets, retweets, comments and clicks. The factors that Klout considers to create your score:
True Reach
- Reach
- Are your tweets interesting and informative enough to build an audience?
- How far has your content been spread across Twitter?
- Are people adding you to lists and are those lists being followed?
- Demand
- How many people did you have to follow to build your count of followers?
- How often are your follows reciprocated?
Factors measured: Followers, Mutual Follows, Friends, Total Retweets, Unique Commenters, Unique Likers, Follower/Follow Ratio, Followed Back %, @ Mention Count, List Count, List Followers Count.
Amplification Probability
- Engagement
- How diverse is the group that @ messages you?
- Are you broadcasting or participating in conversations?
- Velocity
- How likely are you to be retweeted?
- Do a lot of people retweet you or is it always the same few followers?
- Activity
- Are you tweeting too little or too much for your audience?
- Are your tweets effective in generating new followers, retweets and @ replies?
Factors measured: Unique Retweeters, Unique Messages Retweeted, Likes Per Post, Comments Per Post Follower Retweet %, Unique @ Senders, Follower Mention %, Inbound Messages Per Outbound Message, Update Count.
Network Influence
- How influential are the people who @ message you?
- How influential are the people who retweet you?
- How influential are the people who follow you?
- How influential are the people who list you?
- How influential are the people who follow the lists you are on?
Factors measured: List inclusions, Follower/Follow Ratio, Followed Back %, Unique Senders, Unique Retweeters, Unique Commenters, Unique Likers, Influence of Followers, Influence of Retweeters and Mentioners, Influence of Friends, Influence of Likers and Commenters
How do I find out what my Klout score is? will generate it for you; otherwise if you’re using Hootsuite to manage your social media accounts, simply click on your own profile and your Klout score will be on the “Bio” tab.
What is your Klout score? Based upon the factors that Klout uses to create it, how will you alter your Twitter practices in order to raise the score?