Rules of Etiquette: RSVP
We all get invited to parties, networking events and Tupperware parties…but do we all RSVP when an RSVP is requested by the organizer? Do you know what RSVP means?
RSVP is a French acronym that means “Respondez S’il Vous Plait” which is translated in English to mean “please respond”. That means, “Yes, I’m coming” or “No, I’m not coming”. By not responding at all, you’re letting the organizer know that you really don’t care about them or their event to indicate whether or not you’re attending.
Did You Remember the Milk?
Since my laptop has been “in the shop” for the past week, I find myself asking these types of questions a lot…and I don’t like it…
I use Microsoft Outlook’s calendar feature as my “task list”. It’s great because I can set recurring tasks; things I need to do daily. All of my tasks pop up in a dialogue box when they’re due; once they’re done, I can “dismiss” them until they’re due again and they reappear. This system was meeting my needs…
Until this past Monday morning…
Book Review: Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
Predictably Irrational was the third book featured at the Meyvn Group’s Business Book Club this year. They’re taking a break for the summer, but don’t fret; the club will resume in September.
I really enjoyed this book because it overlays behavioral economics on top of theoretical economics (I majored in Economics in college…). We all understand the concept of supply and demand; but behavioral economics is the study of why people DON’T buy more of a product when the price goes down, for example. In a vacuum, theoretical economics works great, but who lives in a vacuum? There are so many factors that influence our decision-making process.