Blogging Best Practices

by "Get it Done Girl" on December 3, 2014 · 0 comments

in How To:,small biz,Social Media,Super Tools

The key is to stay creative and think like your users. What kind of information would they like to see? What kind of information would help them use your products more effectively, or would make their lives easier? What would entertain them?

  • Grab the readers’ attention immediately – Start your post off with something provocative that will make your audience want to read and learn more. Time is limited, so start off your post strong.
  • Breakup your text with bullets and numbered lists – Everyone loves a list. If there is a way to organize your post with bullets and numbers, do it! This makes it easier for readers to skim over your post and get a general idea of what the blog is about before they decide if they want to read it in full.
  • Keywords matter – For the sake of search engine optimization (SEO), the keywords and phrases you use matter significantly, especially in the title of your blog post. Use keywords that have high average monthly searches and low competition (on a scale of 0 – 1)
  • Refer to other blog posts and articles – Mentioning other people’s content can not only create a “starting point” for your own blogs but it is also a great social media practice and a way to get other authors’ attention.
  • What do you read? – Shape your own blog posts and articles around things that you find interest in reading. Read blogs related to your industry and see what information you find most valuable.
  • Be controversial – Not every blog needs to be controversial, but certainly don’t avoid it if you think what you are saying might ruffle some feathers. Not only does controversy grab a reader’s attention but it will encourage them to leave comments or feedback if they disagree.
  • Ask questions – Encourage interaction! Write something that will get people enthusiastic about commenting.


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