Getting the Most Out of a Free 30 Minute Consultation

by "Get it Done Girl" on January 24, 2012 · 0 comments

in Free Agency,How To:

Offering a free 30 minute consultation gives a potential client the chance to get to know the professional they are interested in working with…”kick the wheels”…It also gives the professional a chance to see if the potential client will be someone they would like to work with. Below are a few tips for the potential client to get the most out of this interaction:

Arrive on time

Nothing says “My time is more valuable than yours” than showing up late. It’s a short amount of time together, so make every minute count.

Stick to the 30 minutes

Even if you arrive late, respect the fact that the professional may have an appointment scheduled after yours that they need to get to. This also shows that you respect their time. Even if you show up late, the clock started ticking whether you were there or not.

Stay on task

The point of the meeting is to get to know eachother professionally. There may be a few personal items that flow through the conversation, however, and that’s alright. But I don’t need to hear you recount a 15 minute story from last summer when you were drunk at the Iowa State Fair.

Take look at the professional’s website

Get to know the professional and the services they offer by reviewing their website and online profiles – because you know that they will have done their homework prior to the meeting.

Write down your questions

Come prepared with what you want to learn at the meeting. Ask specific questions. Know what your goals are ahead of time so you get the most out of the meeting.


Thank the professional for their free time via phone, email or social media. This is the perfect time for a follow-up question or two.

Do you offer a free 30-minute consultation? Do you have anything to add to the list?

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